513.877.2141 | mid-western@mid-western.org
4585 Long-Spurling Road, Pleasant Plain, OH 45162
513.877.2141 | mid-western@mid-western.org
4585 Long-Spurling Road, Pleasant Plain, OH 45162
A Caring Place
Mid-Western Children's Home reaches out to touch the lives of children in need of physical, spiritual, and emotional healing. The ministry of Mid-Western is a loving tribute to the compassion of our Lord who said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
-Matthew 19:14
Mid-Western is licensed by the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services as a group home program and as a private Non-custodial Agency. The operation and program reflect Christian principles. Staff at Mid-Western are qualified, motivated, conscientious individuals dedicated to quality childcare and family support services.